Sunday, 21 August 2016

Today's Young Adults

Assalamualaikum and good morning,evening,afternoon and night to all of you.Well,today's entry is about society. What is society? Well,society is basically a large group of people who live together in an organized way - but to put it simply,society is how we and other people live our lives and our culture. Let's make it simple, our society these days are way more difficult to handle,mostly because of 'young adults' which in other words described as teenagers (ranged between 11-19 years old). What issue always and constantly happens when it comes to this certain group of age?

Nowadays, the perception towards young adults are a lot more different compared to the previous generation.Today's generation of young adults are a generation that is way more difficult to handle and grasp.Listening and respecting the elders,courtesy towards other people and the need of religion is safe to say, is not that much of a significance to the new generation.

What you can conclude from this entry is that teenagers nowadays are more demanding and more conscious towards social and trends - relationship between families and friends are becoming more distant,gadgets such as mobile phones,laptops or even selfie sticks became a necessity and popularity became somewhat of an addiction.

You see - teenagers are addicted of trying to be prettier,hotter and keep up with the trends just to be labelled as stylish,spending tons of money for fancy and unnecessary things. All of this - just for the sake of being popular and liked,even just for a bit.

To mark this entry to an end, we,as a society, should try to self-reflect and think before following a certain trend or culture. With this,we can - in a way or another,prevent teenagers from this generation to follow a trend blindly and to spend more time to find their inner selves rather than temporary status - Inshaa Allah,so will the next generation. Thank you for reading and spreading lots of love to you.

Assalammualaikum and tata :p


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